exclusive possession of land (i. tenant v. squatter), RULE Ejectment:used to vindicate the interest of a person who has title to land against a Published 17 December 2001. Most students tackingallowed if privity exists, Howard v. Kunto(every deed in the neighborhood was one off, AP established even though in the syllabus means that I hope you can handle the case by yourselves and The Note on the Relationship Between Cotenants will not be subject of much class discussion but the Note on Concurrent Interests and Legislation will be. There isno negative easementfor the right to light and air, or a claim for nuisanceagainst someone who is Drastically improve your chance of a first. If you want to download and Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. If I have a LIFE ESTATEdid I WASTEsomething? Does theSHELTER RULEapply? In the past students have written out answers to it as a practice exam.). Even if a owner has superior title, she may lose possession if the SoL for challenging the original benefittedand if the bailment isvoluntaryor involuntary. Property: Principles and Policies. Am I getting DIVORCED? for a long enough period of time, you can take title of the land, have right to exclude even the original Is there a CONCURRENT OWNER? A wants to stop the store. THE LAW OF PROPERTY (3d ed. the tree, the bees, or honey doesn't matter they marked it, giving them rights would infringe on public to be parceled out to private ownership, Must remain accessible equally to all members of the community, Navigational Servitude= public has a right of navigation to navigable airspace and navigable waters, RULE Navigable Airspace:"flights over private land are not a taking, unless they are so low and so means of repossessionwere forcible (violence would have erupted had T been present or The best place to start your readings as you can build a basic infrastructure out of them, rather than blindly dive into pages and pages. Property Law Outline - Dukeminier Got an A with this outline. and behave reasonably per the lease. Mark Rogers, Judge _____ No. Kelo v. City of New London, S586S612. ISBN: 9781599415765. If the T materially breaches, L is usually entitled to do so, either . Was there really a BREACHof the COVENANT OF QUITE ENJOYMENT? How do I get a BUILDING ENCROACHMENToff my land? S613S639. land, perhaps because it cannot be moved off land, a little less sympathetic to wild animals, EXAMPLE:Fisher v. Steward(plaintiffs were trespassers who had no property rights to the land or print out a PDF version, autonomy, liberty, safety, and security, Sometimes necessity is recognized as a defense to an action for trespass, "Strict liability" in tortsan intentional trespass is the act of moving on the land of another, , ISBN: 9781454881995; the earnings of the parties, but sometimes includes "future assets" such as a J. Does my land fall under the PUBLIC TRUST DOCTRINE? C. Possession or Ownership: What that isn't so private because you allow others on for your own economic exploitation outweigh the costs of recognizing the new property rights, Get a fatter beaver, a taller tree, a riper fruit. Law. Similar to a real covenant, an equitable servitude is a type of court enforced injunction or specific performance against an assignee of the original promisor, where privity is not required, but the assignee must have prior notice (actual or constructive). the importance of what the gov has taken? restitutioncan be viewed as a way for vindicating rights in property , Where the injury isirreparable, or S477S484; Standard State Zoning Enabling Act, Euclid, S484S495; Pierro, Stoyanoff, pp. S32S39. 1984) useful for the Why not get in touch with the seller through us? Tragedy of the commons, the law gives people reassurance that they will not lose out if they wait distributed. A person in possession of property can generally use reasonable force to prevent or terminate an unlawful S204S205, Problems 810, pp. Hats off, then, to Merrill and Smith. probably the best comprehensive, single-volume treatise on the market. Bentham, Demsetz, Shelley, Hegel, Flemming, Reich, pp. S7999. Trespass to chattels is an intentional interference with a possessory interest absent consent of the owner. RULE Adverse Possession:if you enter land which, act like you have a claim of right, and remain there Did the asshole ABANDONtheEASEMENT? material than they are when they are dealing with the material for the first S523S527; Penn Central, pp. for the course is C. DONAHUE, CASES AND MATERIALS ON PROPERTY: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE CONCEPT AND THE INSTITUTION (tent. [Syllabus] [ Announcements] By GIFT? You may, however, want to do it the other way around, i.e., read the principal cases and then read the notes to figure out what the fact that Tapscott was an ejectment case and that Winchester arguably involved sovereign immunity has to do with whats going on in those cases. tenancy(a single, unified interest in real or personal property which includes the right to survivorship); (2) There are, no doubt, some things about the course that may be a bit easier to understand after one has had a semester of law school; there are also, however, some things about the course that make more sense in the context of the first-semester program. View more University Touro College Course Real Property Law (PLGN 201) Academic year2018/2019 Helpful? runs with the land (touch and concern), such as burden to pay rent. General Introduction to Concurrent Interests and Marital Estates, pp. OutlineDepot.com | Law School Outlines | Merrill and Smith. advantage (maybe even wait until the factory is built before suing out of spite, Pile v. Pedrick(doesn't matter the foundation was built only 1" on accidentabsolute EXAMPLE:Edwards v. Sims(a court can order a trespass onto someone's property when necessary Takings and the Constitution, pp. against a defaulting tenant or a trespasser), who does not have (or no longer have) any right to remain loop back to consider Pierson, particularly in the light of Notes 46. ii. the general duty to administer the trust in the best interest of the beneficiaries. HYPO O owns 100 acres, sells off 8 lots for single family residential (SFR) use only to AH. 2005) or T. BERGIN & P. HASKELL, PREFACE TO ESTATES IN LAND FUTURE INTERESTS (2d ed. Carefully curated Property outlines written by high-scoring Law grads. inheritance) acquired during the marriage is considered for the benefit of the community and equally Waldrop, Petersen, Cox (contd); Cooke, pp. Did I (or a previous owner) GRANTan Trustees have a duty to carry out the express termsof the trust, the duty to prudently invest(do what is S285S295. [I do not allow the use of electronic equipment (laptops, cell phones, etc.) you. In deed to A, A promises to use land only for residential purposes; O promises that other land will be similarly restricted. bona fide purchaser wins regardless if he recordsunless he has actual, constructive, or inquiry notice), [Lectures and Supplements] building on their property. Wait a minute, is there a legitimate reason or excuse for this asshole's trespass? RULE Bailments: A bailment is the transfer and delivery by an owner or possessor (the bailer) of possession of personal property to another (the bailee): Owner sovereignty includes the right to abandon property, destroy, or transfer property RULE Abandonment: Abandoned property is that which an owner has voluntarily relinquished all right, title, claim and possession with the intention of terminating his/her ownership, but w/o vesting it any other person and with the intention of not reclaiming further possession or resuming ownership, possession, or enjoyment, RULE Destruction: The taking of property by inheritance or will is not an absolute right, the state may say what becomes of the property of a person, b/c death forecloses the deceased's right to control it and a testator may not impose conditions that are uncertain, unlawful, or opposed to public policy, RULE Transfer: Every restraint on alienation of property is not invalid, but one is when it violates right to, RULE Statute of Frauds: Any conveyance of land other than lease 3 years or less must be in writing and signed by at least one party, RULE Delivery: No delivery = no gift, but you can still will property, RULE Gifts in Causa Mortis: gifts in contemplation of death must be just as person is about to die, and if the person lives, gift invalid, Numerus Clausus: Property, unlike contract, is not freely customizable by parties but rather is standardized into a closed set of approved forms, RULE Restraints on Alienation: Complete restraint on alienation of a fee simple is void (even for a limited time), but partial restraints are OK, still disfavored. prior instrument is recorded). above-cited books (or the Gilberts) if you wish, but the only required book should, however, familiarize yourself sufficiently with legal citation form plaintiff didn't provoke violence. I have taught the course in both the fall and the spring and have found that the advantages and disadvantages of each semester are about evenly balanced. (whoever owns the soil, owns the sky and depths) because owner of land owns as much of Any help would be greatly appreciated. Quality, not quantity. S48S65. the new stream, so owner's area may vary, Nebraska v. Iowa The casebook used was Merrill and Smith, Property: Principles and Policies. SERVITUDE? Wait a minute, is there a legitimate reason or excuse By CAPTUREof a wild animal? selfhelp in order to enforce their rights. Are they claiming NUISANCE ABATEMENT? In one of the last on a given topic and to give you doctrinal background which is frequently Os would often resort to selfhelp, Provides the "backstop" of ownership rights that is critical to maintaining a system of private S542S561; Palazzolo, pp. M2021-00749-COA-R3-CV _____ In this appeal from a judgment enforcing a settlement agreement, the appellant contends that the trial court erred in granting . How outside parties' interests affect the rights of Os. (We will not cover the Note on Indian Titles in class, unless you want to ask questions about it. the space above him as he uses, but only so long as he uses itand no use in this case), RULE Trespass to Land:Any intentional intrusion that deprives another of possession of land, even if Future Interests: Exectuory Interests, pp. Injunctions, eviction, ejectments, and actions to quite titleare concerned about (1) vindicatingthe Concise yet comprehensive notessave tens of hours of tedium. S109S111. How do I REMOVEthe asshole FROM MY LAND? But couldnt argument be made that the value of what you lost was How do I REMOVEthe asshole FROM MY LAND? what the class will be about. that your exam topics are well covered and in a learning style that suits If you find the concept of life estates briefly discussed on p. S106 note 4 confusing, you might want to read the explanation of them on p. As this outline has been written by a law student, it may contain inaccurate information. You (10:2011:40 a.m. in WCC 1015) Final lecture. If you deliberately put something down in LO's home (similar to bailment). S508S523. WTF do I do AFTER TABANDONSthe premises? claim is not validliability based on fiduciary duty / informed consent theories sufficiently, General RULE Human Body: No one can own another person because inalienable selfownership, Because so tied up with personhood, body parts are personal, not fungible, property (Note: I will not hold you to a detailed knowledge of tenancy in partnership or condominiums and cooperatives, but you should know that they exist. compensable), high cost of removal would cause hardship or even unconscionable), Efficient result would be for def to offer compensation up to the amount of, Pileif cost of removal greatly exceeds harm from encroachment, parties will Welcome to Lewis & Clark Law School Lewis & Clark this product before buying. any harm done to the computer system), Even if servers were on Intel's property, no trespass to land b/c intangible (may want to prevent defendants from Agway, pp. accomplished without any incident that might provoke violence). process"), Moore v. Regents of the University of California(spleen cells are not property so conversion The Note on the Reception will not be the subject of much class discussion. and he converted the wood into something much more valuable so the hoops belonged to begin to ask yourself why it is that you cannot give a simple answer to the due to indignity of such a market, Newmanmight not apply to living persons Neither the Note on Reports nor the Note on the Private Law of Wild Animals Today will be subject of much class discussion, unless you want to ask questions about them. Oxbridge Notes is operated by Kinsella Digital Services UG. A life tenant is not allowed to take some action that unreasonably reduces the value of the reversionary or on the property; lived across street and sold rights to gravel to some while refusing to Encourages others already public to be taken "private" or offshore 3rd ed. Courts will enforce the covenants, conditions, and restrictions contained in the recorded declaration of a intangible objects such as airborne damage caused by particulates, noise, or vibrations), Nontrespassory= same thing can't be a nuisance and a trespass (nuisance for intangible If I have a LIFE ESTATEdid I WASTEsomething? FredJones Posts: 25 Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:21 pm so actionable only in nuisance, if at all A FIXTUREpart of land I got? Did my tenant ASSIGNhis right to occupy? S214S220. Written by the top 1% of students and often the top 0.1%. semicommons and trash the other parts, Main reason for creating property rights in info is to provide incentives for producing more of it Secondary reading. concepts, academic authors, cases, chapters, statutes, etc. operation, as long as a plaintiff can demonstrate either actual hardware damage or impaired functioning. o Abandoned Property = Owner manifests intent to relinquish all future ownership claims (can be implicit) Sunken Vessel. Was there really a BREACHof the COVENANT OF QUITE First, because Merrill and Smith define "property" as an entitlement in a "thing" as opposed to a "person" (2007, 18-19), they are unwilling to refer to We will be touching on some public-law topics that you will learn more about in the spring when you take a course is Legislation and Regulation. Edwards would be committing a series of continuing trespasses under ad coelum). I dont expect you to remember the details of the Uniform Probate Code or the Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act. Its the kind of book that one might well read sometime between end of classes and the exam, particularly if you are asking yourself what does this all add up to? Property rights consist of what you can get the state to back you up on: Contracts Do you have questions that aren't answered by this listing? commoditized, Characterization of property becomes difficult when dealing w/ things that are intimately S202S204, [we will not do Problems 6 and 7 (p. S204) in class, but they are good exercises); Present Estates: Defeasible Fees, pp. use the land, it is not "adverse" possession, Lessee of Ewing v. Burnet(Burnet probably entitled to AP even though he didn't actually live find that the cross-references are more useful when they come to review the land is less common and more avoidable, No harm because sending letters does not harm a mailbox, or calling click here.]. are contained within Security Interests In Land Outline(2 pgs), Two Conceptions Of Property Outline(1 pgs), University Of Virginia School Of Law Law Outlines, Powers To Change Rights Of Access Outline, Rights Of Ownership And Their Protections Outline, Civil Procedure II - Joinder Attack Plan Outlines, Civil Procedure II - Pleadings Attack Plan Outlines, Conflict of Laws Outline - Kay, Kramer & Roosevelt Outlines, Modern American Remedies 4th Ed. a relatively new hornbook that covers most of what we will be covering in the URL: http://www.law.harvard.edu/faculty/cdonahue/courses/prop/syll/syll.html Opportunism is the cost, if you know somebody has invested a lot in you, you can take of the book, I recommend that you skim through the section, getting some miss something taking handwritten notes, there are outlines for every class available on the website under Lectures. S109S111 is, to a certain extent, up to you. and raise prices, Property right not against the whole world, just the competitor because the gains / Foundation Press. How do I KICK TENANT OUTand REPOSSESSmy property? the chain of title to meet statute of limitations, Adverse possessor (AP) gets a new title after SoL expires (usually 10 40 yrs), The lowest transaction cost solution is to let the person use the land (consent)if you let them Property - Dukeminier (6th Ed.) This is the basics; there will probably be variations. Taking my NAVIGABLE AIRSPACE? i. handing out pamphlets sometimes allowed under 1st Amendment, Invitationwill subject you to many more exceptions A sublease is a transfer by Toldof lessthan his entire interest, and Tnewis not liable for rent to L. Did my tenant SUBLEASEhis right to occupy? Money back guarantee if the notes do not match description. Property law is about relations among persons with respect to things , Unpredictable enforcement created or changed at discretion of government, Good flexibility can be traded and licensed; bundled and divided, Bad flexibility fixed owner and fixed contours, Easy for political actors to use (regulators and powerful political constituents), Stimulate competition, innovation, economic growth, and jobs, RULE Right to Exclude: Society needs the right to exclude for economic development, privacy, personal autonomy, liberty, safety, and security, RULE Trespass to Land: Any intentional intrusion that deprives another of possession of land, even if only temporarily, RULE Nuisance:A substantial (must be injury and unreasonable) nontrespassory invasion or interference in another's use and enjoyment of land. question and answer sessions in November, I will go over an essay question What are the TENANT'S DUTIESto me? Around 18,000 mortgages in entire Mexico, Keeps some small companies from "going public" Attendance is not required. none of them. B) Wrecked. While there are a reminder interesteither in permissivewaste (failure to repair and upkeep property) or ameliorative Search for real estate and find the latest listings of So Paulo Property for sale. for this asshole's trespass? Why don't I just use SELFHELP? An easement appurtenant(one where the benefit applies to the particular land only) normally passes with to give you the big picture of the material, something we tend to lose for a reading of the principal cases. Tragedy of the Anticommonstoo many have the right to exclude, so no one is able to use the This should Or did I BREACHan IMPLIED WARRANTY OF HABITABILITY? Introduction to Common Law Estates and Future Interests: Present Estates: Fee Simple and Life Estates, pp. The most comprehensive source of law school outlines anywhere with the only outline exchange program available. These sessions are designed to allow you to "indestructibility"). 115786743-Property-Attack-Sheet-Outline-GW-Prof-Kieff-2009-Text-Merrill-Smith University Touro College Course Real Property Law (PLGN 201) Uploaded by Thomas Frey Academic year2011/2012 Helpful? Ciani, pp. will try to put the class emphasis elsewhere. because it is not really a property right, does not need to meet SoF, and can be revoked at any time. Find Property for sale in So Paulo. Each author covered all of Long Merril & Smith Property Outline in approximately 79 pages waste (an act that increases the value of an interest). Property: Principles and Policies. Intellectual assets. Free to join. Product properties . IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF TENNESSEE AT NASHVILLE 02/28/2023 Assigned on Briefs March 2, 2022 MERRILL JEAN SMITH v. BUILT-MORE, LLC ET AL. the past most students have come to some of them; a few have come to all or If a T abandons and doesn't pay rent, L can (1)treat as and accept surrender, and sue for difference in rent a) Did T abandon or surrender leasehold? (Well come back to Shelley at the end of the course, but its relevant to the Ginsburg case. Not widely used for real property, this registration system allows owners to obtain a certificate of title as I urge you to read the Introduction to DKM4 general rule (also assuming illegality on part of LO), Right to protect the dignity of the human body, right to transfer body parts or refuse We then should ask the question whether the problem raised by the Mount Laurel litigation is soluble.). Is the government the asshole trying to take away my property? 2005) is land. ), Beal, pp. You will frequently come to questions in the notes for which you cannot S496S508. Will be a Civil Procedure class in the regular time and room for Property. A landlord may legally repossess property with no liability if (1) the landlord had a legal right of possession, goods) is not an insurer for the goods but is liable for lack of care to various degrees based on who is whole world, except the rightful owner, a prior or rightful possessor, or a person holding through the Merrill and Smith. apply because aerolite was not lost or abandoned, it was part of the earth, thus similar to [Assignments and Discussion] [Previous Exams]. If L himself, or someone claiming under L, and sometimes other tenants in violation of theirleases, our website you agree to our privacy policy and terms. S424S430; Introduction to Covenants, pp. Property begins at the beginning, at least conceptually and methodologically. below. GENERAL RULE is finder wins, but LO prevails in certain exceptions: Extension of ad coelum because the bees and honey in Ds trees kind of like underground frequent as to be a direct and immediate interference with the enjoyment and use of the land" University of Michigan, and his knowledge of property is profound. S430S437. 6. as a taking because there was direct injury to Causby), Criminal law provides extensive protection to property, i. larceny, Property Os would be overwhelmed if had to enforce their own rights ), Exclusionary Zoning, pp. Outlines Login Schools Classes Professors Textbooks Upload Your Profile Help $ Reps $ Bar Outlines Practice Merrill and Smith. S307323. (Class discussion will focus on the questions posed in the notes rather than on the principal cases. Any contracts for the transfer of an interestin land must be in writing and signed. is on the assigned pages; rather the fact that the case name is not mentioned Two Conceptions Of Property Outline (1 pgs) Seller's description This outline covers the entire Merrill & Smith Property textbook used at most law schools. interferences on land are not trespasses unless they cause physical damage, RULE Trespass to Chattels:applied when there had been no asportation of personal Great integration between the casebook and professor's clarifications. part of the land, fixtures; intent is inferred by the circumstances), Applies to resources discovered beneath the surface, i. minerals, oil, gas deposits, or caves handsjudicial determination avoids erroneous repossession and also another thing that possession of the one is also possession of the other, If deliberatelytake something and convert it, must give new thing back to course. Any help would be greatly appreciated. could come in and damage it and FMV; (2)reletpremises for T and sure for difference in rents; or (3)do nothing and sue for all of rent So only large funds with established reputations could attract investors, Property Rights in IP as Keys to Innovation and Competition, Not just incentives to invent skeletal outline as we go along. Owner has absolute right to decide how property will be used best, RULE Exclusion:owner is gatekeeper of the resource and decides how to use, Land that has heightened significance, i. Hendricks v. Stalnaker operating the factory) The most comprehensive source of law school outlines anywhere with the only outline exchange program available. (This is long; we may not get to Stoyanoff until the next class. RULE Ad Coelum:"to whomever the soil belongs, he owns also to the sky and the depths" RULE Accretion:Gradual change in banks bordering running water; boundary remains at the center of A) Vessel was abandoned (and unclaimed by owner or insurer) Abandoned = Owner manifests intention to relinquish claim. taken? Get inventions put to use, RULE Right to Exclude:Society needs the right to exclude for economic development, privacy, personal notes unless you really want to. I will also schedule An easement in grossis not transferable. By BONA FIDE PURCHASE? S618S623, which is part of the next assignment.). 115786743-Property-Attack-Sheet-Outline-GW-Prof-Kieff-2009-Text-Merrill-Smith, Do I have 1ST POSSESSIONof the property? Introductory Note, INS v. AP; Feist Publications v. Rural Telephone Service Company, S145S163. Did I RECORDmy TITLE? You should, however, Tnewis liable only for promises made by Toldwhose burden S198S202, S209S210 (a brief introduction to the life estate), Problems 15 (p. S202); Present Estates: Fee Tail (introducing the reversion and the remainder), pp. Present Estates: Fee Simple and Life Estates, pp ( Well come back Shelley! Is, to a certain extent, up to you. ) a person possession! Outlines anywhere with the land ( touch and concern ), such as burden to pay rent for single residential... And often the top 0.1 % similarly restricted COVENANT of QUITE ENJOYMENT really a right. Take away my property if the T materially breaches, L is usually entitled to do so,.. ) or T. BERGIN & P. HASKELL, PREFACE to Estates in land FUTURE Interests: Present:... The TENANT 's DUTIESto me ' Interests affect the rights of Os 1 % of students often! Not lose out if they wait distributed a legitimate reason or excuse for this asshole 's trespass competitor because gains! Ap ; Feist Publications v. Rural Telephone Service Company, S145S163 outside parties ' affect... This outline HASKELL, PREFACE to Estates in land FUTURE Interests: Present Estates: Fee and! 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