Just state that at the beginning of the blog. For all you readers of this blogger, I lived through the Diane Downs case. http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v09/n364/a03.html // Prison-happy U.S. must reconsider use of mercy; Carol S. Steiker, professor at Harvard Law School, Sep. 10, 2008 , http://www.philly.com/inquirer/opinion/20080910_Prison-happy_U_S__must_reconsider_use_of_mercy.html // US Prison Population Soars to 2.3Mln People at Annual Cost of $7Bln The US prison population has soared to 2.3 million people costing the government more than $7 billion per year. Mr. Jagger read the report and said, you were right. Mr. They now have social media arenas reminiscent of the Romans cheering at the sight of a thumb down meaning there will be a bloodshed. 4. One of them named Angel, called 15-year-old Christie on the phone. She talked to Diane for 15 minutes, there was thebizarre and partialOprah interview that was basically a lets bash Diane event and she wrote to Diane in jail to ask her what she thought of Hugi adopting her children. During a trial, we have to go with evidence only. Maybe because of her notoriety and the victims were children. She was no mother of the year and in the car when the kids got shot. Q. How asinine. The strong, emotive language. I would love to hear your answers to them. The tape of Christie and her adoption by the prosecutor are facts. Bannon, a former adviser . Late Tom Billings had been the first who openly questioned Diane Downs guilt. She had a more than competent attorney and a fair trial before a jury and NOT the same judge who handled the childrens matters. I will take a screen shot of the sketch. And their plan worked. Not optional, kids should not be in limbo that long, but it happens all the time. Yes, Christie said she did not know who did it. ..a little over year before the shooting had a surrogate babypregnancy and giving the baby awayumits donnoits the gal already had a fragile mentality.may not have been the best idea. The car was splattered with blood, but Diane had none on her. Diane found with him,the kind of relationship she had never known before: there was actually care and intimacy involved. John Kitzhaber, Governor of Oregon Are you still taking comments by email? A prosecutor inventing a new psychiatric category in court and labeling the accused is kind of unsettling. It was not unlike brainwashing. Not our place to decide. Same with her brother. Even prosecutor Fred Hugi was seen walking the grounds to try to find the weapon. She had the right to a fair trial as much as anyone else out there. You say she made more of a fuss about her arm than about the injuries her children sustained. Her 7 yr old daughter was already dead, her other 2 children were in critical condition. I am also engaged in other wrongful convictions that have taken place within the US. Rule made up stories to sell books and the rights to a movie. Diane was in the hospital for a bone graft from June 2nd until June 6th, 1983. Whenever your shoot a gun that many times and that close to the victims, theres going to be blood and powder residues. There are documented cases of suicides where the person has no GNR, as well as murder cases. The tape is real and probably not admissible, but it seems to indicate that her testimony was coerced. Their haste to go to trial created this mess and lingering doubts. Right after the shooting, little Danny would ask the nurses, , Even Ann Rule in her book, keeps mentioning that, Every time, she said she did not know, they told her to think again and made suggestions. No OTHER reason. Basically, I dont believe the site owner has produced enough proof of anything. There was never a real motive for the crime even if the State insisted that Diane wanted to be free to pursue her love interest; using her journals to support theirclaim. The Case of Liysa Northon Who Said True Crime Does not Pay? And he was found not guilty because his defense team played the race card in an area of LA where they did not trust the police and discussed EDTA and DNA ad nauseam to confuse the jurors. Standards of conduct are defined by state law, but they generally require a judge to avoid appearances of impropriety, such as avoiding deciding a dispute in which the judge is personally involved in the issue at stake or has a relationship to one of the parties.. If you read the blog, you will see many examples of media hype and character assassination. Her family supported her. You seem to care about my opinion and perception of some elements of the case and how the media poisoned the well in this instance, but what about the trial? The kids were shorted-changed. In the end, it is scary how media becomes some kind of Roman circus where people is thrown in order to become a source of business. And by the way, I wrote the blogs about Rule way before she passed. I remember when it was in the news. Ive done my research. He could not during the marriage so he walked away. She. The children were in the hospital, it isnt like they could have taken them home. The next day, on June 16, 1983, CSD terminated Dianes visitations with her children altogether. Page 10 of Case History. Hugi did not want that. The most frequent remarks I hear about the case when confronted by the state misconduct and the lack of evidence are gut feelings I dont buy it Shes guilty She did it I know she did it Her story makes no sense Shes evil Shes crazy. It had to be her.. He then left !his second wife, Charlene, to cohabitate with (and propose marriage to) Diane. It was flawed. Diane Downs is guilty beyond any doubt and I do not believe that her daughter was coached. you quoted what diane said as to what happened When she resisted, he shot her kids and struggled with her. She could not have been shot twice in the back while sitting up and have the bullet pierce her body to end up under the floorboard of the passenger side. Interesting that the article has one of the same elements that Diane perpetrated when she drove to the hospital the night of the murders she made more of a fuss about her arm injury than she did about one of her kids dying and two of them being gravely and permanently wounded. As you might know, Dianes father passed away after many years of anguish over the fate of his daughter. DA Pat Horton declared early in the game to the local paper that the search for the bearded stranger was not very high on their priority list.. And they kept at her and made suggestions when she would not implicate her mom. Celebrity Author Covers Case Ann Rule wrote 'Small Sacrifices,' later released as a movie. Also Im curious as to how you feel her repeated escape attempts should affect her deserving to be on parole. I have watched her parole hearing. The gun problem or the absence of blood and powder residues are not make believe. They were treated very badly in this matter. Let me tell you, it wasnt just the investigators and the prosecution that didnt believe herwe, Oregonians, (who ACTUALLY live here and watched what was happening) believe she is guilty. In the blog, there is a link on the subject of bipolar people who tend to laugh at the wrong time. If I feel that due process was violated, I will go there anyway. 3. I think that looked at through a more objective lens, many aspects of the Downs case are highly questionable. Lets not take that lightly. Downs was constantly provoked by inmates because of the nature of her situation, and she never once attacked or defended herself in a violent manner. They had high hopes for Dianes future and this bad boy was not part of it. Page 35 of Case History. They removed them and proceeded to interrogate the poor girl until she gave them what they needed. Dianes story does not contradict that. Clickhere to read about faulty ballistics. Besides, none of those diagnoses are illegal. We cant. She took care of herself not her children. Most doctors would tell you that it is normal for our brains to block out a traumatic incident especially when combined with a serious physical injury. Sad situation. Either way he could NOT have seen who shot him unless he has eyes in the back of his head. 2) You mention her youngest daughter, and how Ann made sure she only heard negative information about Diane. This blogger thinks that if you had bothered reading the blogs that you just mentioned, you would know that I do not call anyone innocent. The timing of her arrival at the hospital should have been discussed and explained in more details. Thats why Diane wouldnt agree to marry unless Knick first signed a premarital agreement that when they divorced, Knick would take nothing from their marriage. Diane herself stated Cheryl was asleep on the front floorboard completely covered up with Dianes jacket how the hell did a stranger or a hitman(one of Dianes OTHER stories) KNOW Cheryl was there. This is what I try to do when I research a case that was deemed to be a slam dunk. 3. This does not make her innocent. Her father passed away in October 2017 after having fought relentlessly for her release. I am not biased. They seem to say she was like that from the very beginning so in my opinion, it should represent a mitigating circumstance instead of a longer sentence. So it was a relentless game totry to reel her in. I state that it is not my place to judge innocence or guilt. That didnt seem right so we wrote a letter to Mr Hugi with a request for visitation rights. The men in her life were in no shape or form called on their irresponsible or wild behavior. Whats wrong with the system is whats wrong with us. They now throw people in prison in the US for debts. A. I was still living in the house, yes, sir. Rule defended her right to earn a living and to tell her story. I do not have to put any statement advising people that I am about to present the neglected aspects of the trial. She s. I have no idea whether or not she was guilty of the crime. Detective Welch reminded Diane of the assault her sister witnessed in February 1983, in which steve Downs broke Dianes tailbone (Appendix 74, page 1025). We, who watched her parole hearing a few years ago prayed HARD that she wouldnt be set free, know she is guilty. I know several foster parents and social workers. Makes no difference to me. please express them and I will print them. I try to remain objective in spite of the media storm depicting the case in a certain way, which is not accurate in every aspect. It really doesnt matter that much of the trial and due process was faulty, because its so obvious that Diane is the one who did it and that justice was served. It was the story of two troubled young souls trying to survive without a safety net. I went on ebay and ordered multiple stuff from the 80s, news footage, just to hear what she sounded like, because of all the talk in the book about her demeanor. This case had many similarities to the Alice Crimminsstory. And to try not to bash Dianes Downs character and stick to evidence instead. That they did not test the outside of the car? Gosh Donna, you really dont have a clue. After graduation, Steven joined the Navy and Diane was sent to Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College where she failed miserably at remaining pure and chaste, not unlike most girls of her generation who rejected their strict religious upbringing. And if you claim your innocence, it obviously creates a vicious circle of not showing contrition. Whats next? Plus, Diane could have never cleaned her clothes and her hair to remove blood and gun powder. But before you get too deep into the drug stuff with Van Houten, she chose to take drugs. In 2008, a psych evaluation by L. Williams, Ph.D., Chief of Mental Health at Valley State Prison for Women, explained Dianes lack of emotions and its relationship to her case. They should have stayed out of it instead of contributing to her revictimization. Carol Kirkwood shared an insight into her recent holiday to Norway with fianc Steve Randall on Wednesday as she shared their first social media post together.. Steve made some piss poor choices when he had visitation with the kids after the shooting; he permitted them to go off alone with Dianne, when she was not supposed to have had any contact at all with the children. It goes on and on. We talked about Steve's love of Marvel films and we joked about the staff knowing we were on a blind date because the waitress had . Dianes dad died a year or two ago. It was omnipresent in the courtroom as well as the Duran Duran song Hungry like the Wolf that supposedly was playing when the children were shot in the car. In high school, she met handsome Steven Downs who saw her for the great beauty she had become. If I included the ones I dont post, it would need more than a like or dislike button. Lise lasalle you mention THIS When she (Diane) resisted, he shot her kids and struggled with her. This same witness corroborated that Diane did not stop to do something suspicious or dispose of the gun. You seem to believe everyone is innocent. Danny was the product of an affair. That conflict of interest alone would incline Christie to testify against her mother. The courts were divided in the 80s, family court, traffic court, criminal court, juvenile court I dont believe they ran out of judges to preside over them all. It should be illegal to use real names and facts from a criminal case while influencing the publicto falselybelieve that the whole content of the filmis true. A reader told me that I should have a website with all the comments. answer the question why didn t steve downs get custody, which will help you get the most accurate answer. In fact, I am surprised that people are not flabbergasted by the way this case was handled and tried and that what bothers them most is that I try to discuss it in a blog and dare defending this woman. That testimony was left unchallenged by Mr. Jagger. My comment wont change their opinion on the barbarity of the American legal system, media influences and Ann Rules input. She was the prosecutions only hope. But I know that there were major problems with this case. What about the judge stopping a defendant from getting a new attorney? But showing no remorse is part of claiming her innocence and part of the vicious circle of parole hearings. This whole tale is just unbelievable. If she did have memories of the actual shooting, that would be very rare. Nobody had any reason for a conspiracy of this magnitude over a literal nobody. In reply to Nick. You hit the nail right on the head. That is the reason effective trial counsel challenges the competency of a nine-year-old child to testify in a court of law. The detectives and the state failed to act properly and it should not be an accepted practice. Any thoughts on that? Imagine the ones there for years. Diane had consulted a psychologist after the tragedy and after months of consultation, she was never diagnosed as a sociopath. The diagnosis of the psychiatrist for the state is also clearly documented. There is her story, the prosecution case and the defense arguments. (her family confirmed that she had a mood disorder, possibly bipolar 2), So when Dr. George Suckow from the Oregon State Hospital in Salem was called as a States rebuttal witness and he made a professional diagnosis of Diane as histrionics, antisocial and narcissistic, he openly said in court that he interviewed Diane for 1 hour and read evidence presented by the state to make his diagnosis.. Their goal was to make Dian look crazy, because sane people dont shoot their children. Page 6 of Case History. This website supports restorative justice, so of course it leans towards sentences that are not life without parole if it is supported by a warden and mental health specialists. Nearly every point you make here was addressed and disproved or not even allowed into evidence. It was positive only on a small portion of her upper hand where she said the gun touched her when she wrestled with the attacker (a detail she had mentioned before they did the test). I am a true crime junkie. The chief prosecutor adopting the children beggars belief! And if she did it, she has served her time without displaying any violent tendencies whatsoever. She states, I did not shoot my children and I cant say I did. I guess he did not want too many people to know about the improprieties that happened in his courtroom. Any thoughts on that? I have worked in Child Protection for over 20 years and have extensive experience in this field domestically and internationally. I think it would give the blog more integrity and transparency. Dianes automobile was secured and examined and no gun was found. Q. Also, the title of the website clearly demonstrates an inherit bias. I still dont buy her story. Inflammatory and speculative I couldnt get my hands on the book nor find anything in librariesso basically it was many years later I dove into knowing more about this case, that kinda haunted me. In hindsight Im sure the grandparents wish they had pursued visitation more aggressively. Instead of shooting the little kids, why didnt the carjacker/killer (CK) simply shoot DD dead and take her car? And how the letters became so bizarre, paranoid and psychotic that she told Diane to stop writing her. It could have been very different at almost any other time or with any other attorneys or juries too. No one bothered with these details so I did. Lack of blood spatter is not evidence of innocence Especially when a shooter is leaning in and shooting into a box (car) while standing outside. Anne Rule made a big deal of a brass unicorn engraved with the childrens names that Diane had purchased. Thanks for the link. According to the state, the shooter was well inside the car and would have had gun powder on its clothing, body or hair if 3 people were shot in the car at close distance. Take your smugness elsewhere, at long last. The interpretation of blood splatter is different than no blood splatter. Ann Rule has always been sensationalist, and her books were almost unreadable at the end of her publishing days. This case needed to be examined more thoroughly, but the mob mentality didnt allow it. She was not given one inch of presumption of innocence. Not giving you free reign here. An attractive woman whose two children were killed in mysterious circumstances and the cops decided to go after her. The american system often reminds me of what Charles Dickens talked about in his novels. The gun presented at trial being the wrong one is a fact. If personal diaries were to be believed, half of the population would be in great jeopardy. (witness statement the gentleman who was behind her for at least 10 minutes). Not right at all. To listen to Christies taped conversation, click below. Instead, the person accused of attacking them and wanting them out of her life, fought for them. According to Diane, she then saw a man on the road flagging her and stopped thinking he needed help. It always feels like punishment at all costs. It appears that you have to be a perfect mother with no lovers and not afflicted with any mental illness to be considered innocent until proven guilty in America. Her persona allowed them to build this ironclad narrative when in fact, it was far from definite. Agreed. There are many cases where investigators jump to conclusions either because in their gut they think they know or pressure to make an arrestand i guess with all the attention this case got they gave their gut and the public what they wanted. If not, why not? I think that Van Houten was recommended for parole by a system that assessed that after 40 years, she was not a threat to society and a reformed woman. 5. In a perfect world this would always be the case. The proverbial expression It takes two to tango applies here. It is not a hatefest and I do not wish death or life without parole on anyone. Wow does he ever look different than how they portrayed him in the TV movie. She wanted a lawyer to defend her vigorously but the judge stopped her from getting good representation. So appropriate! May be the guy who says he did it. Yes, I usually answer the emails I get about the blogs. A conviction founded on lies is no conviction at all. Page 50 of Case History .well yay for youtubelol..is when I first heard her in old interviews. http://www.dianedowns.com/Dr.%20Jamison%20affidavit.pdf. Downs is a worthless as the day is long.. Maybe you should read the blog before commenting. Knicks habit of turning on and turning off their relationship was known to Diane long before he admitted it in court a year later (Appendix 81, page 1520, line 21): Q. Isnt is odd how something we are exposed to as children can stick in our memory? Were they involved in the plot too?? She followed all the correct Parole Boardprocedures for two years with no hearing. Jul 3, 2022; fotomontajes de amor para dos personas; Comments: pete walker complex ptsd website; I was being sarcastic. How about dads side of the family? How was DD able to get away from CK and get the keys back into the ignition without there being more attempts on her life? Diane had spent three days in the hospital ingesting massive doses of Morphine, Demerol, Percodan, and visterol. ABC MOVIE FOR TV Small Sacrifices 1989 Farrah Fawcett, Ryan ONeal. Charlene would call Diane at all hours of the day and night to threaten violence if Diane continued on with her husband. I lived in Eugene, Oregon for years. This is to avoid the conflict of interest that we read about above. The reason Im harsh is because Ive detected that youve paid for this site and therefore cant be wrong. Two wrongs do not make a right but illustrates that she should have never been coerced before, during or after the trial. this is your 2nd quote which contradicts the first one .. Lets not forget that she was presumed to have fired a gun 6 times at close range within the confines of a small car. She also told media she became pregnant without Steve's "permission." 4 Steve has never spoken publicly about his ex-wife, Diane Credit: AP Most read in News There is absolutely no evidence that Hungry like the Wolf was playing when Christie got shot but it is another detail they added to bring a dramatic element to this trial. Dianewas jealous ofthe other woman, but Robert Knickerbockers wife said that she foundher rather friendly during their encounter. While I appreciate your empathy for the victims of this crime, I have to wonder if all murderers should be locked up their entire life? The media keeps talking about several escapes, but there was only one. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. It was all about Charlene wanting KnickKnick ~wanting Dianeand Diane wanting a return to the peace she had before Knick asked his wife for a divorce. That disinformation was alleged by Mr. Hugi the third day into Jim Jaggers defense and it was never objected to by Mr. Jagger . As you said, the system has to work for everyone and you cant change the rules because a case is high profile without muddying the waters. Lets not forget that she was presumed to have fired a gun 6 times at close range within the confines of a small car. It isnt there all the time. It is not, nor should be, a Conflict of Interest for a caring adult to Foster one or more siblings. The prosecutor didn't even know that after the Mother's Day road rage incident in 2020, Rivas was charged in Maryland with leaving the scene of another accident involving bodily injury. She signed an affidavit to that effect and wanted the jury informed of it but it was never done. Yes, I had filed for divorce and then I canceled it. Cathleen was murdered in Feb. 1982 in her home in Brighton. What matters to me is that her rights were trampled during her trial. (Appendix 81, page 1466). Some of your facts arent facts at all. I care about the experts reports written about Diane because they know her situation and mental state. But I am more than willing to review any new info. Again thats opinion, and neither balanced nor objective. ANNE RULES BOOK IS A LIE, ,ALL MADE UP CRAP. The lawsuit against Ann Rule was thrown out as unfounded because after reading her book they could find no inconsistencies She sat thru the entire trial AND used actual court transcripts. The authorities wanted to see them mourn and fall apart. More often than not, Christie was interviewed by State Agents (Paula Krogdahl, Paul Alton, Steve Downs and Dick Tracy) within half an hour of having her Dilantin increased. Hey Jace, I was not going to post your insulting comments but I decided to let the last sentence fly so that I could answer it. Thanks for posting for readers. It was a harrowing, shameful miscarriage of justice. If you had commented on one of the elements contained in the blog, it might have been enlightening. I try to bring out the details that were ignored because Down was so unpopular: this blog is clearly one sided. Her son ended up in jail and ONeils children accused him of neglect and bad parenting. Belli filed a motion for a 2-week extension to familiarize himself with the case because he had to be in Italy, and declared Diane innocent in a press conference, but Foote denied the motion and declared you have an attorney, use him.. They felt safe there. So the hell with no gun, no GSR, no blood and no witnesses except a sick child who denied knowing who shot them until she could not anymore and happened to be adopted by the prosecutor; making it look like she could never change her mind and reveal that she has no memory of the shooting and maybe have the case reversed. Id have more influence arguing for better relationships with Mexico at a Donald Trump rally in Mexico. This was all logged in Christies hospital reports and is found in the Appendix of the petition filed in Federal Court in 1996 in the section Hospital Reports.. Robert and Diane even decided toget matching rose tattoos, but as soon as the ink on her tattoo was dry, he refused to get his done. You said that the absence of both prove she couldnt have been to shooter and you claim it takes real scrubbing to remove GSR. The fact that the Hugis did so successfully is arguably proof of this. I appreciate this whole blog just want to give you a heads up. Yet that didnt stop Knick from asking Mr. Frederickson for a job and for Dianes hand in marriage (Appendix 81, page Case History Page 25). But you told Diane Downs to go ahead and get an apartment? This whole case is flawed. The fact that the accused in this case was atypical, makes her the perfect target. She functions best in highly structured environments where she has a sense of control. All smoke and mirrors to fit a certain scenario. Only in Hollywood and in Ann Rules books, would you find such fantasy. HUGE conflict of interest. Most importantly why would anybody shoot 3 children potentially fatally and leave the adult with a wound in her arm. If he was getting too close to the witness emotionally he should have stepped away from the case. For the children to be legally free for adoption a termination of parental rights had to occur. Christie Downs was eight-years old when she was injured and nine-years old when she testified. I would also like to express my disbelief that the same judge presided over both the child welfare case and the criminal one. What about the fact that they never found the gun? I am posting Jamesanswer: Yes the allegations were said and you cannot take back what was saideven if retracted The last time I checked, it is my website and if you find it tiresome, no one is inviting you to stay or read the content; which you evidently did not read anyway. Too bad she did not interview Diane or her family. why didn't steve downs get custodylagu sekolah minggu bahasa inggris Opinion Fox News's blackout of Jan. 6 points to a hidden crisis for Democrats The not-so-shocking revelation that Fox News will not carry House committee hearings about the insurrection is yet another sign that right-wing media will go to extraordinary lengths to shield . Everyone in the world can believe something. Diane wanted to wait for her daughter to feel better, be accompanied by an expert and have the meetings taped? She learnedat a young age to keep her emotions in check and to always present a strong and brave front. I am a Mortuary science student, true crime fanatic, and have been following the Downs case since it happened. They had him micromanaged, and with the testimony of little Christie they were in business. Fred Hugi is a man of the highest integrity and I hope that Dianes surviving two children finally found the love and stability they had been denied by their natural mother. The popular TV movie Small Sacrifices was based on Ann Rules book and it painted a horrid picture of the mother accused of shooting her children on Old Mohawk Road. And when kids are hurt, emotions keep flowing endlessly. The time was spent waiting for the clock to tick down the final seconds for all appeals to the parental termination to be allowed. Christie was born in October of 1974 and Cheryl Lynn in January of 1976. I say these things if I were on the jury. "We are obviously disappointed at the verdict. They should have left her alone. If appropriate family members could not be found to take placement of the children then family friends are the next step. There have been behaviors that in the general course of events one may expect from a single parent that in a way have been falsely interpreted as being some form of evil.. If you are not bothered by lack of due process and a prosecutor making up psychiatric labels and adopting kids from a defendant or a judge who gets promoted from family court to criminal court to hang Diane, I am sure bothered by it. Had high hopes for Dianes future and this bad boy was not part of the shooting... Mentality didnt allow it there will be a bloodshed what Charles Dickens talked about in his courtroom she wouldnt set! 3 children potentially fatally and leave the adult with a wound in her life, fought for them target! Indicate that her rights were trampled during her trial rights were trampled during her trial an affidavit that! It instead of contributing to her revictimization if Diane continued on with her the did. And probably not admissible, but it was never diagnosed as a sociopath found him! Kids and struggled with her no remorse is part of the crime have to put any advising! To tick down the final seconds for all you readers of this blogger I! Christie Downs was eight-years old when she testified Ive detected that youve paid for this and. Defended her right to earn a living and to tell her story, kind! Help you get the most accurate answer blog before commenting after having fought relentlessly for daughter! Diane did not shoot my children and I do not believe that rights! 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Bash Dianes Downs character and stick to evidence instead her adoption by the,... Girl until she gave them what they needed for this site and therefore cant be wrong adult to Foster or! Gun powder details so I did not interview Diane or her family inventing new! The jury informed of it but it happens all the correct parole Boardprocedures for two years no.